Lee un libro Respiratory Physiology: A Clinical Approach (Integrated Physiology) de Richard M. Schwartzstein libros ebooks

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Críticas Respiratory Care, 01-OCT-06, Volume 51, Issue 10, Marcy F. Petrini, PhD -- 'The emphasis is on what the clinical student needs to know (or review) to deal with a patient's problem on hand. The authors have succeeded admirably in their goals. Four sections complete each chapter: the 'Putting It Together' sections give clinical vignettes, followed by physiologic explanations. The 'Summary Points' are bulleted lists of the major concepts covered in the section. Then a section provides the answers to the 'Thought Questions.' Concluding each chapter is a section of review questions, the answers to which are at the end of the book. Short of being in a classroom with the authors, this approach is the best and longest-lasting. The accompanying CD-ROM very cleverly displays the most important principles.'-Respiratory Care Doody's Book Review Service, 24-JUN-08, Steven J. Hamick, BIS, RRT, AE-C, William Beaumont Hospitals -- 'Description: This clinically oriented book covering the essentials of respiratory physiology is the first in a series on physiology. 'Purpose: The authors use a systems-based approach to present physiology. An emphasis on the functions associated with breathing rather than just the lungs themselves is apparent. It is written in an interactive style that both engages and challenges readers. The authors have exceeded their objectives. 'Audience: The book is written primarily for medical, nursing, and allied health students with little exposure to respiratory physiology, but residents will also find this a valuable resource in clinical practice. The authors are experts in their respective fields. 'Features: The book covers a plethora of information from components of the respiratory system, the ventilatory pump, the physics of flow, volume, and pressure with all their formulas, gas exchange, ventilation and perfusion, ventilatory control, acid/base physiology, respiratory sensations and exercise physiology. Each chapter begins with an outline followed by learning objectives. The text is brilliantly written in conversational style to hold the attention of the reader. Clinically based 'Thought Questions' are sprinkled throughout for the reader to reflect on previously read material. Key terms are boldfaced upon their first appearance in a chapter and are found in the glossary. Illustrations and figures illustrate key concepts while tables and 'Quick Checks' provide summaries of information outlined in the book. At the end of each chapter is a section called 'Putting It Together,' which is a clinical case presentation designed to challenge the reader to apply newly learned material in a clinical situation. Each chapter ends with 'Summary Points' and USMLE style review questions that test the reader's mastery of the material. 'Assessment: This is an outstanding book. It is so well written and the layout is so well done that it takes difficult to understand concepts and breaks them down into easy to understand language for the reader. This is a must-have book for health professionals and should be a required text in all respiratory therapy programs.'-Doody's Book Review Service (Rating: 5 Stars) Dartmouth Medical School , Second year medical student -- 'I did find the textbook by Schwartzstein to be very good review of 1st year respiratory physiology (why that is not the recommended text is beyond me - as it is much better than the one we were told to buy last year). Reseña del editor Respiratory Physiology: A Clinical Approach offers a fresh new take on learning physiology in a systems-based curriculum. This book won the 2006 Dr. Frank H. Netter Award for Special Contributions to Medical Education, and Dr. Schwartzstein is a 2007 recipient of the Alpha Omega Alpha Distinguished Teacher Award from the Association of American Medical Colleges. Written by renowned and dynamic educators and featuring interactive animations, the book integrates functional anatomy, physiology, and pathology to build a conceptual understanding of respiratory system function. Emphasis is on elements of respiratory physiology that are crucial to understanding and managing clinical problems. A suite of 39 interactive animations accompanies the book. Sample animations can be viewed online: click here. Respiratory Physiology: A Clinical Approach offers the following features: Writing style is clear, concise, reader-friendly, and conversational. A unique approach shows students how material fits together in the context of the respiratory system. Clinical correlations are integrated throughout the book to emphasize the application of knowledge to medical practice. Interactive animations are provided via accompanying CD and free student access on the Web. The animations illustrate clinical concepts described in the book, so students can actually see the effects of physiologic changes. Thought Questions are placed throughout each chapter to make learning more interactive, requiring students to test their ability to integrate the information presented. 'Putting It Together' sections use clinical scenarios to highlight key concepts covered in the chapter. These sections appear at the end of each chapter. Special chapters unique to this type of monograph are featured, such as 'Form and Function,' 'Respiratory Sensations,' and 'Exercise Physiology: A Tale of Two Pumps.

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